We miss seeing all of you at our monthly L&L dinners. So we’re hosting another Virtual L&L social!
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89396958340?pwd=OFJKWWpMV3JYaHd5YURCR2Rqem1Bdz09
Come hang out online with us for an hour or so. Ask us questions about our upcoming 50th Anniversary Run. Talk about upcoming events like The Tank Weekend at the Saloon. Talk about whatever tickles your fancy.
Note: There may be a brief delay when signing in to the Zoom call waiting room while the host approves each caller.
What should I wear?
We love to see leather, but feel free to wear whatever you want.
Who is welcome to come?
We welcome everyone from the leather and kink communities to join us for our monthly L&L socials. You don’t have to be a member of a club.
What is the cost of the Event?
There is no cost to participate in the virtual social. Seeing our friends is all the currency we need.